Marie Logan, PCC

Professional Coaching with My Coach Marie

Commit yourself to personal growth now…

You deserve to thrive

Individual, Group and Team Coaching and Facilitation

If you have the desire to be your best self in the personal, professional and leadership arenas, I can help you stretch your limits, get focused and get results. I specialize in helping transform dynamic women into confident leaders.

Group and Team Coaching can be a cost effective alternative to having your own personal coach. Groups can be arranged on various topics.

When your group seems stuck and needs a new approach, I can help you through effective facilitation to see alternatives and generate new energy.

Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mental Fitness Coaching

Mental fitness is just like physical fitness; for the best results you must practice. This enables shifts in mindset that allow you to thrive in challenging times.

I will guide you through the Positive Intelligence (PQ) program and help you build your mental fitness muscles for lasting happiness and success.

See an excerpt from my interview on Positive Intelligence (PQ) on
the In the Lead Show podcast:

Ways to listen to the show:  YouTube    Spotify     Apple Podcasts


Individual Coaching: Personal, Professional and Leadership

Group and Team Coaching and Facilitation

Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mental Fitness Coaching

Personality and Strengths Assessments

What Is Coaching?

Why work with Marie?

In the coaching process we collaborate to:

  • Clarify strengths, values and vision
  • Identify fears and limiting beliefs
  • Discover new possibilities and unleash creativity
  • Take action and pursue long-lasting change
  • Be motivated and accountable for progress

Coaching provides a safe and confidential space in which we can creatively explore new ways of thinking and moving forward. Coaching is all about collaborating to discover your best self and your best path forward.

I believe that everyone has what it takes within them to find solutions and make progress towards goals. Sometimes we just need someone to listen, ask incisive challenging questions, reflect back what they hear and new options become possible. In working with me, you will focus on the most critical issues starting on day one.

Check out the International Coaching Federation #Experience Coaching for more information about how coaching works.

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals”   

— Henry David Thoreau

Success and happiness are achieved by focusing on strengths. Mine are:

Genuine - I am… honest, sincere, self-assured, and a truth teller and seeker with a strong inner compass.

I value serving others. I am a long-time volunteer for the Burning Man Project and I’ve served in many roles including Black Rock Ranger where I learned compassion for those needing support. I was also trained and volunteered as an advocate for survivors of domestic violence in my hometown, which taught me that people thrive when they retain their own agency to make choices.

Curious - I am… open, optimistic, committed to personal growth, and invigorated by what is possible.

I believe in everyone’s ability to learn and change. I have been an artist all my life, but I began oil painting in 2007 when I decided to pull out some oil paints I had inherited from my grandmother 30 years prior. I loved it and haven’t stopped since. I amaze myself every time I create a beautiful painting because I didn’t start until I was in my 40’s. It’s never too late to try new things!

Energized - I am... motivated by turning thoughts into action, a self-starter with drive, stamina and perseverance.

I loved living in Santa Cruz, California and have been an avid scuba diver and ocean sailor over the years. I even once sailed all the way across the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii to Victoria, BC! If you’re not sure you can do something, just try…

Creative - I am… strategic, a big picture thinker and pattern finder.

For me, this includes having a growth mindset, and with that mindset, anything is possible. We must all be mindful of where we are now and where and what we want to be. I learned mindfulness many years ago while a member of the Ann Arbor Buddhist Temple and my life was changed forever.

About Marie

I am passionate about helping others become the best version of themselves. I help people build mental fitness and utilize their strengths to find greater success and personal happiness in service of more effective leadership, diversity, equity and inclusion. I specialize in helping transform dynamic women into confident leaders.

I have a graduate-level academic certificate in Executive and Professional Coaching from the University of Texas at Dallas, and I am a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coaching Federation (ICF). I will receive a Master’s degree in Leadership and Organizational Development in August 2023.

Until I recently retired, I worked in the higher education field for 30 years. I bring a wealth of experience leading teams through simplification efforts and I am an expert facilitator and coach with a background in change management and process improvement. I served on the board of the international organization, Network for Change and Continuous Innovation (NCCI), and I collaborate with colleagues across the country to encourage innovation. 

I’ve worked with leaders in the fields of technology, medicine and higher education, as well as with entrepreneurs and non-profit leaders. 



“…She never tells me what to do, rather, she asks some very direct and specific questions, you know those tough questions you don’t really want to hear and you need to hear in order to make improvements? Her method of questioning is kind and curious, yet those questions end up sticking with me and driving me to get a move on.

~ Cynthia, Entrepreneur and Educator, Maui, Hawaii


…we engaged on issues such as leading difficult people and elevating the team from the tactical to the strategic. Marie was a true professional, and an expert asking the perfect questions to prompt insightful “a-ha” moments. At the end of each coaching session, I had a concrete plan to create forward momentum on an issue that had previously confounded me. An active listener, with great intellect, and an outgoing affable personality, Marie ranks in the top 2 of executive coaches I have worked with in my more than 15 years in the C-suite and equivalent positions…

~ Janet, RADM, JAGC, USN(Ret.), President and CEO, Girl Scouts in the Heart of PA


“Everyone has heard about coaching. So have I. But what I didn’t know is what it really means and how life-altering it can be.

Coaching is like a swiss army knife…it is a tool that is extremely versatile and extremely powerful. If you hand MacGyver a swiss army knife he can solve just about any problem. My coaching experience with Marie has been an incredible journey and I’m truly grateful that I had the privilege to work with her. She is an amazing coach who has a unique talent to guide you in your quest to unleash your inner potential and to read your inner compass. It is hard to explain it until you experience it.”

~ Lars Panzer, Manager Corporate Matters, Muenster, Germany

Online Resources for Thriving


Coming soon…


Coming soon…


Coming soon…

Commit to personal growth…

Thrive today!


I offer a complimentary discovery session so you can determine whether coaching is right for you. We will explore a current issue in one session so you can see what it’s like to work with me.


If you like it, we can discuss next steps!

Let's start a conversation